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    Locate open source information utilizing enhanced data offerings within the platform

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    Examine multiple data sources through advanced statistical, linguistic, and crowd-sourcing techniques

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    Present key findings of sophisticated data compiled in a simple, easy to decipher format


With advanced analytics, Babel Street makes sense of large tracts of multi-lingual data in near real-time. Babel Street assigns and charts sentiment for social media in over 20 of the major world languages. Users identify themes, entities, and categories, as well as detect relationships, within the cloud-based platform. Customers may access Babel Street 24/7/365 from any computer, device, or smartphone with an internet connection and a web browser.


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Babel Street offers a variety of products and services, built and crafted with the customer as our primary inspiration. From determining the best solution to assisting in mission support, Babel Street’s team of experts will ensure success at every point along the way and that informed decision making becomes second nature.

  • Team

    Babel Street employs a team of experts with backgrounds and real world experience with structured open source and social media discovery and analytics in a variety of public and private sectors.

  • Careers

    Interested in joining a fast paced, innovative, and sector leader in open source search technology while participating within a customer focused, team atmosphere? Check out our current job openings.

Babel X

Babel X® is a multi-lingual, geo-enabled, text-analytics, social media and web-monitoring platform designed to meet the needs of our customers by fully leveraging publicly available information in this era of overwhelming quantities of geographically diverse, multi-lingual data.

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Babel BOX

Babel BOX™ is a stand-alone version of the Babel X platform that can be deployed on a customer’s premises or in a private virtual instance. Babel BOX supports the capability to pass and fuse Babel X-collected results with an onsite deployment in compliance with data use rights of collected data. Babel BOX will also index and provide cross- lingual search and analytics for certain types of customer data. The indexed data is then searchable using the Babel Street ontology.

Due to the nature of Babel BOX being deployed on a customer’s private network, certain features that are part of Babel X are not available on the private deployment.

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Babel 狸猫加速器安卓版

Babel Channels® provides users timely global situational awareness through local perspective and pre-curated collections of multi-lingual content. Babel Channels' topics cover categories of major interest to customers including Breaking News, Disease Outbreaks, Mass Casualty Attacks, Natural Disasters, Terror Events, Transportation Incidents, Market and Economic Drivers and Special Event Channels.

PAI is drawn from voices including hyper-local news, police and emergency services, transportation infrastructure, public utilities, government agencies and elected officials. This covers hundreds of locations around the world and within the United States at the country, state, and city level. Content for the Channels is selected from a growing list of more than 50 social media data sources, news, blogs, websites, and other custom data sources.

Users can explore the data through a wide range of analytical lenses to include sentiment, public record search, and topics of interest. Also, users can set custom alerts for topics or activity of interest from within the channels and flag items of interest for sharing or alerting. Babel Street experts can create custom Babel Channels collection based upon specific customer requirements.

*Pricing available upon request and is specific to user requirements.

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View Past Articles

In depth analysis of pertinent world events and activities using the Babel Street platform.

  • PRC: Corporations Under Chinese Military Control – PAI Insights
  • 狸猫浏览器绿色版_狸猫浏览器官方下载_狸猫浏览器v3.0.0.0 ...:2021-2-6 · 狸猫浏览器(Leocat Web Browser)采用最新版全球最快的WebKit内核,上网速度加快5倍,智能防卡死。 闪电般打开网页和应用,性能全面超越其他同类浏览器!狸猫浏览器具有自定义主页、多标签浏览、标签自由拖拽等增强浏览舒适度的功能设置,能让您在浏览网页的过程中更感流畅。
  • Worldwide: Online counterfeit market-places ttps and counter-tactics
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    Iran Military seeks to mitigate COVID-19 threat to readiness
  • COVID-19 and the Kremlin
    COVID-19 and the Kremlin

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